Wednesday, August 27, 2014

He is good.

We struggle to believe that He is good when we are experiencing pain.

And I think He understands that.

The God who knew us before we came to be surely does not want us to go through that pain- yet He does not waste this season in our lives.

When all feels lost He is always giving us the opportunity to find Him.

He is the lighthouse and we are like ships in the night.

His beacon is always shining- but it is up to us to look for it amidst the darkness and crashing waves.

His is a light that illuminates our darkness, and the rocks that would damage us. A light that will guide us to safe harbor.

And in our pain we often close our eyes because the light stings and reminds us that we are still amid the waves- but He has not left us.

Monday, August 25, 2014

He is faithful.

    He’s faithful.
But not just when the pain is ending and the understanding comes.
He was faithful in the midst of our hurt, when we were filled with confusion.
He doesn’t suddenly become faithful when we finally come to know what He was doing the whole time we thought He had left us.

When we were unfaithful, He was faithful.
When we didn’t understand, He was faithful.
When we hated Him, He was faithful.
When we blamed Him, He was faithful.
When we marred His reputation, He was faithful.
When we left- He stayed.
When we cursed- He blessed.
When we hated- He loved.
He is faithful.
He was faithful.
He has always been faithful.

(And if the only time you call Him faithful is when you aren’t facing trouble, then you must realize that it was not Him who was unfaithful during that time, but you.)