Wednesday, May 8, 2013


"Our relationship with Jesus is messy, intimate, and beautiful all at the same time. Often He takes us on these dangerous adventures just to strip everything else away but Himself. From there, He'll show us that He is writing a bigger and far more beautiful story that we could have ever imagined."

I read this quote tonight and it gave me chills. This completely sums up the season of life that I am in at this current moment, and for the next couple of months. I went from graduating college to looking for a corporate, high paying job to the Lord closing every door and opening up the door for me to work at the place where my heart belongs, JH Ranch. It has been so cool to look back and see how everything happened, all in His timing and to His plan. I didn't understand anything that was going on, I was becoming frustrated and even to the point of settling...but the entire time He was just strengthening my trust in Him. Now I'm at the place where I just sit in awe of him the entire day long, thinking of how every piece of my puzzle has been placed together and has brought me to the place I am now; and I'm more excited than ever. 

My relationship with the Lord definitely gets messy sometimes, I scream and yell and sob and laugh and He just patiently listens. I'm not the girl that is quiet when it comes to Yahweh. He knows my heart and thoughts anyways so why not tell him out loud exactly how I feel, it always makes me feel better. And when I'm done, he always allows me to relax and then proceeds to tell and show me the better things He has for me. When I become frustrated or my relationship with Him becomes messy, it's usually because I tried to take a situation into my own hands and we all know that never works out well. My relationship with my Father is also quite intimate and beautiful too. I long for the days where it can just be this way, where I don't have the "messy/screaming" days with Him, but that all comes with time and I'm learning to look to Him for all things. My intimacy with Him has grown deeper in the last couple of months, He has romanced me so much and I look forward to the days to come. I can honestly say that I am completely in love with Him and truly feel Him holding me each day. I'm so thankful for this place because His love is what everything goes back to and comes from and I pray that I possess more and more of it each day that I'm alive. 

The adventure that I'm on now is unknown, but that is the best kind I think. Life with Jesus is so exciting and it truly humbles me to think of the places He has brought me from and the ones He is taking me to...but I can't help but wonder; although that is where the trust I have been learning comes in. Now I'm in the place where I am truly asking for Him to strip everything that isn't of Him away from me and my life. I only want Him and the things of His kingdom. And from this place, I continue to walk. I can't see more than a couple of steps ahead, but if I could I guess I wouldn't need Him so he obviously knows what He is doing. 

I know I reiterate this a lot but I just have to continue to remind myself that His plan for me is better than mine. And with your life too. You might be in the same place that I'm in or you might not, but either way you're going through something right now that pushes you to the point of trusting Him. And you'll be in situations to trust Him for the rest of your days. But I encourage you to just enjoy the scenery while you're here because it only gets better. He has never led me wrong and even the times that I have strayed or made a wrong turn, he keeps His promise and "works it all together for good (romans 8:28). It might get hard and you might get lonely but trusting Him completely and being in a place of the "unknown" is a good time in your life. It might not seem like it now but when you look back in years to come, you'll see that He knew exactly what He was doing. So, I just encourage you right now to blissfully bask in His presence and truth while you're on this journey, it's quite exciting don't you think? If you get down on yourself...just sit down, open your bible and just pick one of the thousands of promises that He bestows on us each day. You're a daughter (or son) of the King and He only desires to give you the very best, even if it doesn't look like it right now. Enjoy the adventure with Him.

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